2023 RFP: Frequently Asked Questions


INT 00035
Published On: 07/16/2024

Question: When can we expect the interconnection queue to be updated to reflect the start of the 2023 RSC Phase 2 study?

Answer: The queue reports for DEC and DEP will be updated by July 16, 2024. 

INT 00034
Published On: 06/14/2024

Question: Given the recent edit to the 2023 FAQs (INT 00022) confirming that there is no cost for the M2 or M3 deposits in the NC state process, can you confirm that the M4 deposit is equal to 100% of the project's assigned Network Upgrades? We also understand that this will be due 10 business days following the receipt of the Facilities Study (6/30/2025). For projects that intend to transfer from the state to the FERC process following the execution of the LGIA (as instructed by our Duke RFP contact), can you confirm that the M4 deposit will be due prior to transferring to the FERC LGIA?

Answer: Projects that will be transferring into the FERC queue are expected to follow the applicable procedures up to the time of the transfer. Projects selected in the Asset Transfer path under the Utility Ownership Track of the RFP, selling a fully developed project, are responsible for meeting all closing conditions pursuant to the Asset Purchase Agreement, which includes completion of all interconnection studies and execution of its Interconnection Agreement. The MP is responsible for funding and maintaining the Interconnection Agreement until the agreement is assigned to the Buyer pursuant to the Asset Purchase Agreement.

For more information about the M4 payment required for North Carolina State projects, please see the North Carolina Interconnection Procedures section Readiness Milestone 4 (M4).

INT 00033
Published On: 06/05/2024

Question: For projects going through the RSC process and selected as Finalists. Do they have the ability to reject their winning proposal but still continue through to RSC Phase 2 with a GSA agreement?

Answer: No, a project selected as a Finalist may not decline their win and still stay in the RSC as a GSA project.  Appendix O of the RFP states:

“The Companies are also allowing short-listed Proposals with a completed RSC Phase 1 study that have not withdrawn from the RFP and are not selected as Finalists to also proceed to RSC Phase 2 if the Interconnection Customer can demonstrate definitive commercial readiness by providing either (i) a fully executed Green Source Advantage (“GSA”) Program PPA; or (ii) an executed GSA term sheet and Application, with the requirement that a GSA PPA then be executed within 90 days of term sheet execution.” 

A project that declines their win has withdrawn from the RFP; however, that project may decline their win (and forfeit their proposal security) and be withdrawn from the RSC, but proceed as a GSA project through the 2024 DISIS for interconnection (which has its cluster enrollment window open until June 28, 2024). 

INT 00032
Published On: 05/30/2024

Question: Can Duke confirm if finalists will need to make the M2 or any other type of payment by 6/13 if they plan on moving forward with Phase 2 in the RSC?

Answer: M2 readiness is shown by executing the contract with the Companies, either an LOI or PPA. No payment is due for the selected RFP projects. If any Finalists decline, the Companies may invite additional projects forward, and those projects will be given additional time to both execute their agreement and to demonstrate M2 readiness for interconnection.

INT 00031
Published On: 05/29/2024

Question: (1) Can you please provide details on how to transfer our state interconnection request to a FERC jurisdictional interconnection request? (2) Additionally, could you please discuss the deposits as they relate to the readiness milestones for the FERC jurisdictional projects? At what point is 100% of the network upgrades costs due?

Answer: To make changes to your Interconnection Request, a new application must be completed and submitted to the Companies; please reach out to the Renewable Integration Team via email at: Mark.McKeage@duke-energy.com . Regarding readiness, please see the 2023 RFP and in particular, Appendix O detailing the Resource Solicitation Cluster utilized for purposes of the RFP.   Generally, “readiness” is established for 2023 RFP projects by being invited forward in the RFP process, and thus Security in lieu of Readiness is not an option for the Phase 1 or Phase 2 RSC cluster studies. Deposits for FERC-jurisdictional projects are outlined in the Joint Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) available on Duke Energy’s OATI OASIS page www.oasis.oati.com/. Under the FERC process, full security is required after the Interconnection Agreement is signed; additional details can be found in the pro-forma Large Generator Interconnection Procedures included as Attachment J to the OATT.

INT 00030
Published On: 05/20/2024

Question: 1. Can Duke publish or provide the pre loading % for their NRIS evaluation? It looks like they published the post only. 2. Is there a minimum DFAX to be assigned any cost allocation?

Answer: Response to part 1 - This information is not available. Duke does not perform a pre-cluster base study before each cluster study.

Response to part 2 - Projects are subject to cost allocation for thermal upgrades if 1) the loading is >=95 % and 2) the DFAX is >=3% or the Loading Impact is >= 1%.

INT 00029
Published On: 05/09/2024

Question: Since the release of the RSC Phase 1 report in 2023, which includes facility and network upgrade costs for all projects, there's a question about whether the Part B price adder automatically adjusts based on the actual network upgrade cost or if bidders have the opportunity to adjust that price themselves.

Answer: The Part B Price adjuster is denominated on a $/MWh basis for every $1 million in System Upgrades identified in the Interconnection Agreement. As stated in the RFP Section VII.F, “the Contract Price will be adjusted to include both Part A/Part C (as applicable) and the Contract Price Adder (which is Part B/Part D multiplied by the millions of dollars of system upgrades in the Interconnection Agreement). In order to effectuate the Contract Price Adder, the Proposal shall provide written notice to the Companies together with a copy of the executed Interconnection Agreement documenting that the System Upgrade costs are being charged to the Proposal, as soon as reasonably possible after the execution of the Interconnection Agreement.”

While the ultimate PPA calculation is based on the total System Upgrade costs identified in the IA, the information in the RSC Phase 1 report and from further interconnection assessment will be used for the RFP evaluation as it is the best available cost estimate at the time.

INT 00026
Published On: 02/22/2024

Question: When will the updated queue report reflecting status after the end of the Customer Engagement Window be posted to OASIS for Duke Energy Carolinas?

Answer: The queue report will be updated by February 23, 2024.

INT 00025
Published On: 01/19/2024

Question: Can you please confirm whether the 'RSC Initial Security' and 'M1 Security' are the same or two separate security postings? What is the due date for RSC Initial Security and, if separate, the M1 Security?

Answer: M1 security and RSC Initial Security are one and the same. Please see Appendix O - IV.RSC “M1” Security to enter Phase 1 Study. It is due prior to the close of the customer engagement window, January 28, 2024.

INT 00024
Published On: 01/19/2024

Question: What is the process for making the M1 payment? Will this need to be payed in the Duke IC portal or will bidders receive an invoice for the payment after we sign the DISIS Agreement?

Answer: The Interconnection Study team will send information for projects invited to Step 2 to make the M1 payment and sign the DISIS Agreement. This will need to be paid by the end of the customer engagement window 1/28/2024.

INT 00023
Published On: 01/17/2024

Question: Does Duke plan on sending to bidders a DISIS Agreement for execution to continue with Phase 1 of the RSC once we post Step 2 Security for our project?

Answer: Yes, study agreements will be sent out by January 23, 2024. A signed DISIS study agreement and M1 initial security are due for projects going into the Phase 1 study for the Resource Solicitation Cluster (RSC) prior to the close of the Customer Engagement window.

INT 00022 (revised 05/31/2024)
Published On: 12/21/2023

Question: Thank you for your previous explanations of the Milestone Deposits. I understand the projects will be subject to the withdrawal penalties of the NCIP if withdrawn after paying the milestone deposits, but could you provide more information on the refundability of the deposits themselves? Are M1 (1x the study deposit) and M3 (2x the study deposit) refundable? If the project withdraws after posting, does the project both lose the deposit AND become subject to the withdrawal costs of the NCIP?

Answer: For projects participating in the RSC, there is no payment for M2 or M3; readiness is established by participating in the 2023 RFP. See below for applicability and calculation of the withdrawal penalty.  

Applicability for withdrawal penalty:

  1. Duke FERC LGIP 4.7.1: An Interconnection Customer shall be subject to a Withdrawal Penalty if it withdraws its Interconnection Request from the Queue or the Generating Facility does not otherwise reach Commercial Operation unless the Transmission Provider determines consistent with Good Utility Practice that (1) the withdrawal does not negatively affect the timing or cost of equal or lower queued projects; [or] (2) the cost responsibility identified for that Interconnection Customer in the current study report associated with new Network Upgrades to the Transmission Provider’s System increased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) compared to the costs identified in the previous report; or (3) if the customer withdraws after the Interconnection Facilities Study report is published and before providing M5, and the cost responsibility for that Interconnection Customer identified in the Interconnection Facilities Study report increases by more than one hundred percent (100%) compared to the Phase 2 report.
  2. NCIP and SCGIP are similar.

Calculation of Withdrawal Penalty

State Jurisdictional:

  1. If Readiness WAS demonstrated at M2, and the Interconnection Customer withdraws now (after M2, but before M4), the Withdrawal Penalty shall be the higher of the study deposit or one (1) times the Interconnection Customer’s actual allocated cost of the Definitive Interconnection Study Process.
  2. If Readiness WAS NOT demonstrated at M2 and the Interconnection Customer withdraws now (after M2, but before M3), the Withdrawal Penalty shall be the higher of the study deposit or two (2) times the Interconnection Customer’s actual allocated cost of the Definitive Interconnection Study Process. This amount shall be capped at $1.5M.
  3. See NCIP 6.3.5 and SCGIP Appendix Duke CS 5.7.3 for subsequent scenarios

FERC Jurisdictional:

  1. If Readiness WAS demonstrated at M3 and the Interconnection Customer withdraws now (after M3, but before M4), the Withdrawal Penalty shall be equal to the higher of the study deposit or one (1) times its actual allocated cost of the Definitive Interconnection Study Process.
  2. If Readiness WAS NOT demonstrated at M3 and the Interconnection Customer withdraws now (after M3, but before M4), the Withdrawal Penalty shall be the higher of the study deposit or five (5) times its actual allocated cost of the Definitive Interconnection Study Process. This amount shall be capped at $2M.
  3.  See FERC LGIP 4.7.1 for subsequent scenario

INT 00021
Published On: 12/08/2023

Question: Could you please confirm whether a PSCAD is required for projects in the 2023 Resource Solicitation Cluster? If this is the case, can you please inform us of the deadline for providing this and point us to the location in the tariff that discusses this requirement?

Answer: The PSCAD information is not required for RSC projects. If additional information is needed for the Phase 1 study, the account manager will reach out to the interconnection customer.

INT 00020
Published On: 11/09/2023

Question: Can you please provide instructions to make a modification to the Interconnection Request?

Answer: To modify an Interconnection Request (IR), update the PDF files of you Interconnection Request Applications and send them to DukeEnergyRFPCarolinas@crai.com. You will not be able to update the applications in the Interconnection Portal since the projects are beyond the IR Review phase.

INT 00019
Published On: 11/08/2023

Question: What is the difference between rated discharging power and rate to discharge in the interconnection request?

Answer: In the interconnection request application form "rated discharging power" and "rate to discharge" are considered the same. 

INT 00018
Published On: 10/19/2023

Question: What are the Phase 1 costs? Is this different from the Milestone 1 costs? If we withdraw past 1/29/2024, but prior to completion of the study, can any unspent funds be refunded?

Answer: For projects in the FERC and State queue, the Phase 1 costs are the costs to complete the Phase 1 interconnection study. The M1 security or Milestone 1 payment is a payment made by all customers that are invited to Step 2 of the RFP and will be studied in Phase 1. Withdrawal penalties apply if a project withdraws after the study begins 1/29/2024; withdrawal penalties are described in the NC, SC and FERC Interconnection Procedures.

INT 00017
Published On: 10/18/2023

Question: Can Duke Energy Progress tell us the points of interconnection and net MW output/capabilities of the projects that entered the RFP?

Answer: The individual points of interconnection and the net MW output of each bid in the RFP are not public information at this time; however, related interconnection information is available in the OATI OASIS Cluster Reports, available at the following links: DEC OATI OASIS and DEP’s OATI OASIS . Navigate to the “Generator Interconnection Information Folder,” then select “Cluster Queue.”  

More information will be available in the Phase 1 RSC report later in the process as well as in the IE’s post-solicitation report.

INT 00016
Published On: 09/25/2023

Question: What is the form of payment for the network upgrades listed in Section 2 of the DEC/DEP Standard Interconnection Cost Estimate Document? Cash, or Letter of Credit?

Answer: Payment of Network Upgrades is different for DEC and DEP and also for both State and FERC jurisdictions. The payment details are established after the Facilities Study is complete. Please work with your interconnection account manager for additional questions.

Related information is included in FAQ INT 00010.

INT 00015
Published On: 09/25/2023

Question: When does Duke anticipate executing interconnection agreements?

Answer: For projects that are selected in the 2023 RFP, Interconnection Agreements are expected sometime in Q1-Q2 2025. The project timeline to an Interconnection Agreement is not exact due to several factors, including but not limited to, the timeline for discussions between the customer and Duke Energy.

INT 00014
Published On: 09/20/2023

Question: If a deficiency is found by Duke in the interconnection application after the application deadline, how long do we have to cure said deficiency?

Answer: As stated in Section VII.A. of the RFP, after the bid window ends and all proposals are received, the Duke Evaluation Team and IE review the completeness of proposals in a “cure period”. If there is a deficiency, “The IE will provide the MP with written notice of the deficiency and the MP shall then have five (5) business days after receiving the written notice to cure the deficiency, where failure to cure the deficiency shall result in withdrawal of the Proposal from further consideration.”

However, if a proposal has a deficiency only in the interconnection request that does not affect the bid itself, the interconnection procedures allow for 10 business days to cure the deficiency (e.g. Section 1.5.4 of NCIP: If the Interconnection Request Application Form and/or the initial supporting documentation or any other information requested by the Utility is incomplete, the Utility shall provide, along with notice that the information is incomplete, a written list detailing all information that must be provided. The Interconnection Customer will have ten (10) Business Days after receipt of the notice to submit the listed information. If the Interconnection Customer does not provide the listed information or a written request for an extension of time, not to exceed ten (10) additional Business Days, within the deadline, the Interconnection Request will be deemed withdrawn.)

INT 00013
Published On: 09/19/2023

Question: If we are submitting the NC or SC state Interconnection Application (to go with the PPA Track), are we required to submit the Protection and Control schematics and their operation documents along with the Interconnection Application? Or can we submit these at a later time?

Answer: The one-line diagram for the project must be submitted at the time the interconnection request is submitted.  If additional time is needed, the Protection and Control schematics, operation documents, and settings can be provided at a later time; this information becomes important as the project moves closer to interconnection.  The interconnection team for the Companies will let you know when and/if that information is needed.

INT 00012
Published On: 09/12/2023

Question: In relation to FAQ INT 00003, can projects that have withdrawn from the 2023 DISIS participate in the 2023 RFP and RSC?

Answer: Yes. 

INT 00011
Published On: 08/18/2023

Question: Will the interconnection customer be required to fund any portion of redzone-specific network upgrades, or will these be rate based?

Answer: For the 14 red-zone expansion plan projects in the approved 2022 – 2032 Transmission Planning Collaborative Plan, where 2023 Interconnection Studies for solar and solar paired with storage projects bidding into the 2023 RFP are shown to have impact on one or more of the 14 RZEP projects, a cost proxy will be assigned to those interconnection customer projects for the RFP evaluation, but those costs will not be assigned to the generators in their ultimate interconnection agreements.

(For any projects that have dependencies on one or more of the 14 RZEP projects, the RZEP project(s) will be shown as contingent facilities in Study results and in the Interconnection Agreement(s). For the 2022 solar procurement and 2022 DISIS, the direct upgrade cost allocation(s) for any of the 14 RZEP project upgrades to a project bidding into the 2022 RFP were applied per the original criteria set forth at the beginning of the 2022 procurement cycle.  The 14 RZEP projects that have approval from the Transmission Planning Collaborative are part of the 2022 DISIS results and are shown as contingent facilities.)

INT 00010
Published On: 08/18/2023

Question: Are all network upgrades refundable in the Controllable PPA Track, and if so, will we have to fund those network upgrades until we reach COD? What should our assumption be for facility upgrades/direct assigned costs?

Answer: Network upgrades are not refundable for state jurisdictional projects (which all PPA proposals will be) the way that they are for FERC projects. However, the Part B (or Part D) adder to the bid price is meant to offset the network upgrade costs of a PPA bid, as it is a price adder per million dollars of network upgrades that are assigned. For standard cost estimates please see “DEC/DEP Standard Interconnection Cost Estimates” document posted July 3, 2023 at https://www.dukeenergyrfpcarolinas.com/RFP-Documents. The standard interconnection facilities costs do not include the network upgrade costs.

INT 00009
Published On: 08/16/2023

Question: Can you confirm the following: A project entering into the controllable PPA track only needs to submit a state jurisdictional IR for the RSC. Are a PSCAD and PSSE model needed for an IR in the RSC?

Answer: A project entering into the controllable PPA track only should submit a state jurisdictional interconnection request, (for the NCIP see Section 1.5 Interconnection Request). PSCAD models are not required for an Interconnection Request in the Resource Solicitation Cluster.  PSSE models are required.  If the PSSE models are not included with the initial Interconnection Request submission, the interconnection study team will request them during the Customer Engagement Window as this information is required for the Phase 2 study performed by Transmission Planning.

INT 00008
Published On: 08/16/2023

Question: Could you please provide more details about the Readiness Milestone 2 (M2) payment and deadlines?

Answer: Please refer to the response for question INT 00007. 


INT 00007
Published On: 08/09/2023

Question: Please clarify the amount and timing of the required M2 security.

Answer: M2 readiness is established through participation in the RFP.  At the time of the M2 milestone, Market Participants chosen as Finalists will be notified (which notification occurs after Phase 1).  At that time, to continue participating in the RFP, Finalists will have to execute the relevant agreement (e.g. PPA or LOI), which actions will constitute readiness and the completion of the M2 milestone.  Thus, no additional payment is required at M2.  A Finalist’s continued participation in the RFP will be verified during the pre-Phase 2 customer engagement window.


Note if a Market Participant’s project is not a Winner of the 2023 RFP, pursuant to Section VIII of Appendix O, the project may elect to proceed as a Green Source Advantage project, as the project will no longer be a part of the 2023 Resource Solicitation Cluster.

INT 00006 (revised 06/12/2024)
Published On: 08/09/2023

Question: With respect to the Resource Solicitation Cluster (RSC) process, please see the following questions:

  • A. Is the Study Deposit calculated as follows, $50,000 + $1/kW?
  • B. Is the Study Deposit paid at the same time as the Bid Fee (by 9/29/23)?
  • C. Does the M1 Security Deposit equal 1x study deposit?
  • D. If MP is not selected as a Finalist, how would the withdrawal penalty be calculated? Is the answer M1 minus actual study costs?
  • E. If MP is selected as a finalist, we assume there is not an additional Security Deposit beyond already posted M1 Deposit?
  • F. Once an MP completes Phase 2 of RSC and executes a Facility Study Agreement, then the MP would need to post M3 Security Deposit of 2x Study Deposit?
  • G. Once Facility Study is complete, then MP would need to post M4 Security Deposit of 100% System Upgrades or $800,000 (whichever is higher)?


  • A: The study deposit due follows the applicable jurisdiction for the project, either North Carolina Interconnection Procedures, the South Carolina Interconnection Procedures or FERC Large Generator Interconnection Procedures. As an example a 55MW North Carolina project has a study deposit of = $50,000 + ($1/kw*55,000kw); $105,000.
  • B: The study deposit is due at the time the application is submitted via the Interconnection Portal. The proposal fee or bid fee can be paid at the time of the application but must be paid before the close of the bid window (September 29, noon Eastern time).
  • C: M1 is 1 times the study deposit. M1 is due by the end of the Customer Engagement window (which is currently scheduled for January 28, 2024); M1 readiness is demonstrated by participating in the Resource Solicitation Cluster.
  • D: The withdraw penalty follows the applicable jurisdiction for the project, either North Carolina Interconnection Procedures, the South Carolina Interconnection Procedures or FERC Large Generator Interconnection Procedures. See section in the North Carolina Interconnection Procedures for the Calculation of the Withdrawal Penalty for Ready Projects.
  • E: If a market participant is invited to be evaluated in step 2 of the RFP, Step 2 Proposal Security is due. See the DEC and DEP 2023  RFP, Section V RFP Process, J. Step 2 Proposal Security for additional information.
  • F: M3 is 2 times the study deposit. M3 readiness is demonstrated by participating and being selected in the Resource Solicitation Cluster.
  • G (revised 6/12/2024): The M4 payment for a North Carolina state project is due as noted in the NCIP section Readiness Milestone 4 (M4), and for South Carolina projects see section Readiness Milestone 4 (M4); this payment is due 10 days after receiving Facility Study results. For a FERC project please see section 10.11.4 Readiness Milestone 4 (M4) for demonstration of readiness and section 10.11.6 Security Requirements for the study deposit amount required. FERC ready projects require M4 security: M4 – 6 times the Section 4.1.2 study deposit amount. M4 readiness is demonstrated by participating and being selected in the Resource Solicitation Cluster; however, meeting readiness still requires an M4 payment.
  • The DET Study team is also available for questions related to submitting an Interconnection Request: Mark.McKeage@duke-energy.com; Kelly.Duke@duke-energy.com; Loriael.Joyner@duke-energy.com 

INT 00005
Published On: 07/07/2023

Question: Can you please provide the instructions and web links to apply for generator interconnection for this RFP?

Answer: The Interconnection Portal is linked here: https://dukeenergy.my.site.com/s/login/?language=en_US&ec=302&startURL=%2Fs%2F and will become active for the 2023 RFP Resource Solicitation Cluster at the opening of the bid window, on August 15, 2023, through September 29, 2023. 

More information about the RSC can be found in 'Appendix O – 2023 RSC Process,' available at https://www.dukeenergyrfpcarolinas.com/RFP-Documents . Instructions for submitting an Interconnection Request will also be reviewed in the Pre-Solicitation Bidders Conference to be held in early August (date TBD). 

INT 00004
Published On: 06/15/2023

Question: For clarity, when is it applicable for a proposed project to submit a state-jurisdictional interconnection request (per section IV. B) ahead of the RFP Response deadline?

Answer: Projects interested in the 2023 RFP should submit an interconnection request during the Resource Solicitation Cluster enrollment period, which is Identified in Appendix O of the 2023 RFP as August 15, 2023 – September 29, 2023.

INT 00003
Published On: 06/13/2023

Question: Section B states "Bidders submitting Controllable PPA Track proposals should submit a state-jurisdictional interconnection request under the North Carolina Interconnection Procedures or South Carolina Generator Interconnection Procedures, as applicable." Can projects that have filed Interconnection Requests into Duke's 2023 DISIS Cluster also participate in the 2023 Resource Solicitation Cluster?

Answer: No, a project cannot be in both the 2023 DISIS Cluster and the 2023 Resource Solicitation Cluster. As described in Section V.D of the RFP:  “Project Proposals offered into the 2023 RFP must have an eligible executed interconnection agreement (and have been part of the serial interconnection study process) or must participate in the 2023 RSC. For the avoidance of doubt, project Proposals offered into the 2023 RFP may not be in the 2023 or earlier DISIS Clusters.”